We now have a new line of coffee packaging and products!
In Summer of 2015 we released our current craft bag and it was a welcomed change from what was in previous existence. However, we are now thrilled to show you our new packaging that will be with us for many more years to come.
We have a similar bag with zipper pouch (now located on back) with 1 way valve to get co2 out and keep oxygen from going in.
However the most exciting thing is with the change in new bag design we have a new segment of village specific coffees.
What makes specialty coffee and for those of you who may have heard the term ‘third way coffee’ unique, is the traceability to the farm/location of where this coffee has been grown and processed.
Until now we have bagged our coffees based upon the specific roast profile that it falls under (light = Artisan, medium= House or dark = French). The village specific roasts; however, take the beans, its location, its terroir and the essence of what character it has and allows us to bring that flavor out with how we best believe it was grown. The coffees in this section will be on the lighter roast spectrum and we will have one for each of the coffee processes: Natural, Washed, and Honey.
We encourage you to give these coffees a try, as we are sourcing directly from these villages for this specific product, these coffees are LIMITED EDITION and will not be around for an incredibly long time.
So make sure you a grab a bag for yourself and the coffee lover in your life!
Below are pictures of each of our new village specific roasts in our new bags:
Doi Chang (washed)
Som Poi (honey)
Pa Kha (natural)
Each bag will come with a card that shares the story of the coffee and it's village. We hope you find this unique history insightful and inspiring as you connect through your daily cup.
Thank you for supporting the hill tribes of northern Thailand.
Written By Bryan Feil.