For more than 20 years, coffee has been sprouting in the hills of Doi Chang, the largest village producing Arabica coffee in Northern Thailand. The name Doi Chang means "Elephant Mountain". Elephants are the national animal of Thailand and it is said that that area used to have many wild elephants living in it.
Villagers moved here from China around 200 years ago. Today, most of the villagers still have Chinese ancestry and are second/third generation immigrants.
Once a community dependent on growing opium which led to mistreatment of villagers, Doi Chang is a living example of how coffee is able to transform lives. Now coffee is an active ingredient in growth and financial sustainability for the Doi Chang inhabitants. There are over 1,000 villagers living in this area now. With 62 farmers as part of our coffee co-op, all of which belong to the Akha Tribe. We are proud to partner with these men and women.
Set at 1400 meters (4,500+ feet) on a stunning mountainside, Doi Chang’s coffee is vibrant, clean and exceptional thanks to the practice and attention Doi Chang farmers give to each step of the coffee’s journey.
DCH- Some Q & A about the coffee
Where does the coffee get milled? Is it individual or community?
- Pulped at the community I.T.D.P. pulping station in Doi Chang. Dry processed in Chiang Mai at the I.T.D.P. Warehouse.
What are some unique traits to the soil?
- Very dark, Loamy soil. Fertile
Any unique stories in that village are interesting/fun?
- DCH is the largest producing coffee area in Thailand. Being one of the highest Mountains in Thailand is a major factor.
What is the variety of these cherries? Is there just one?
- Catimor with some Bourbon
Which region of Northern Thailand?
- Chiang Rai Province